roundnet RULES
Thank you Roundnet Germany eV for this great video!
Aim of the game:
Rashball is basically about hitting the ball on the net in such a way that the opposing team can't play the ball back.
Basic Rules:
The rules are similar to beach volleyball instead of over the net however, the ball is played into the net.
Each team has up to three touches of the ball per attack before hitting the ball back onto the net. Two ball contacts in a row by the same person are not allowed.
Setup and preparation of the game:
At the beginning, the four players* each stand 1.80 m away from the net, whereby they also position themselves at the same distance from each other. The teams stand next to each other. These positions are held until the serve. Only the accepting player is allowed to move freely.
The serve is to the opposite person of the opposing team. Whereby you always have two attempts at the specification. The serving order is determined before the start of the game. If there is a rally, it is the turn of the next player.
Course of the game:
Until the serve, the players (except for the accepting player) must keep one foot on the ground, i.e. remain in position.
A team retains the right to serve as long as it scores, with the same player always serving (“rally point system”). After each point, he swaps positions with the other player to serve the other opponent. When serving, the ball must be thrown at least 5 cm high and only then may it be hit, while maintaining a distance of 1.80 m to the net. The accepting player is free to choose the distance here.
Once the ball is in play, all players are free to move. If one team hits the ball on the net, the other team must accept it and slam it back onto the net after a maximum of three touches. The teams must not deliberately obstruct or block each other.
Touching of any kind is allowed, touching any part of the body counts as such. The ball should either be accepted and played to the other player, or it should be hit directly onto the net.
Get points for his team:
The game is played according to the "best of three system", with a set going up to 11, 15 or 21 points. The team that wins two sets first wins.
Points are awarded when the opposing team makes a mistake. This includes errors in the specification as well as errors in the game. If a team makes a mistake, the other team gets a point and the ball: it is served again. Points are awarded for the following errors:
Foul on serve
A foul on serve counts (1) if the ball is not thrown up at least 5 cm before it is hit (!), and it must land in the net and bounce off. (2) The player serving must stand 1.80 m from the edge of the net without leaning forward. (3) One foot must be on the ground when serving; and (4) the ball must not bounce off the net higher than the receiving player's outstretched arm is high. If acceptance without jumping is not possible, the receiving team must call "Foul" before the ball is accepted or touches the ground. (5) The receiving team must also shout “Foul” if the ball unexpectedly changes direction or does not bounce off the net cleanly. (6) The ball may not be played back immediately after acceptance.
ground contact
As soon as the ball touches the ground, the other team gets a point and the specification.
ball touches
Errors when touching the ball can be (1) that the ball is not played properly, i.e. caught, thrown or guided. (2) More than three touches of the ball, whether with the hand or other body parts does not matter here, one point also goes to the other team. (3) Consecutive touches also award a point to the opposing team; and (4) the ball may not be played with two hands.
A hindrance happens when the opposing team, the team in possession of the ball is in the way, so the play is interrupted.
does this happen
- accidentally, the ball is repeated, i.e. re-served.
- intentionally, the team in possession of the ball gets a point.
error on the web
This includes (1) contact with the frame of the net, (2) there is a double touch of the ball on the net - this includes when the ball rolls on the net instead of bouncing off. (3) The ball must always leave the net.